trešdiena, 2015. gada 4. februāris

Jewelry Display Frame

An excellent option for girls jewelery arrangement. Should make for my daughters in children's bedroom.

Some more pictures for ideas:

otrdiena, 2015. gada 13. janvāris

Interesting ways to grow onions (bulbs) indoor

Onions are easy to grow both outdoors and inside.  They are one of those vegetables that I never seem to have enough of because I use them every day for cooking.
If you don’t have the space for a garden outside, you can still grow them  indoors. You can even have an endless supply of them if you do it just right since onions are a cut and come again vegetable (they will regrow from the original stock with roots.)
The easiest way - a glass or jar. Just put it in the water.

Next option - pot with soil

And the coolest way - create interesting installations from large bottles

And remember - in the following ways you can grow and flower bulbs!

piektdiena, 2015. gada 9. janvāris

Ladder Golf

Ladder Golf is played with 2 or more players or teams. Each player has 3 golf ball bolas. A bola is 2 golf balls attached by a nylon rope. The object of the game is to wrap your bolas around the steps of the ladder. The ladder consists of 3 steps, a top, middle and a bottom step.

Prior to game play a line must be set 5 paces from the ladder. This is the called the toss line. The official toss line is 15 feet away but most players measure 5 paces from the game ladder to set the toss line. This allows for a closer toss line for children’s games. Ladder Golf is played in rounds, each round consists of all players tossing 3 bolas. A coin toss is used to decide which player or team will toss first. The first player must toss all 3 bolas before the next player is able to toss his or her bolas. Bolas can be tossed in anyway the player chooses, as long as they are tossed individually and can be bounced off the ground. The winner of the round earns the first toss in the next round. Games are played to an exact point total of 21. In order to win, a player must be the only one to score exactly 21 points after the completion of a round. If a player goes over the exact point total, that players points for that round do not count. For example: A player with 18 points needs 3 points to get the exact score of 21 in order to win. If that player has 5 points hanging on the ladder after all the players have tossed all strands, none of those points count and the player will enter the next round with 18 points again needing 3 points to win. In the case of a tie, the players that tie will play as many overtime rounds as needed until one player ends a complete round 2 points ahead of the other player. The 2 point rule only applies in overtime rounds. During regular play any player can win as long as that player is the only one to score an exact total of 21 points at the end of that round no matter how many points the other players have.
How to build:

Let's have fun!
If you need more - there is one cool DIY